Tawbah, Mercy & Closeness – a thought by Zara S

zikr - ZS

Photo courtesy of Zara Singh Photography

“God loves those who turn to Him” Quran 2:222

And how do we turn?

Tawbah – of a human being is an act of sincere and whole hearted TURNING to Allah after His protection has been sought against the evil effects of past sins and reforming a broken connection or tightening up a loose one with Allah.

From تاب taba: “To return; repent; turn one’s self in a repentant manner…”

Reflecting on this – what about friends? Spouses? And so on. Apologise and seek their forgiveness. If turning to Allah in sincere repentance draws you closer to Him, then turning to companions and strangers alike and seeking their forgiveness may also draw your hearts closer to them, just as it draws you closer to Allah.

Having mercy on them – reflecting the Mercy that Allah has on you, can only bring you closer to Allah and His servants.

Thus, it’s not the arguments that matter. It’s how we work to draw ourselves closer to those we upset, and those who upset us. So alHamdulillah for the clashes we have, as they can only bring us closer to each other, just as our sins bring us closer to Allah when we repent. Just as our mercy on others opens the doors for Allah’s mercy upon us.

May we be drawn to those who love Allah and His prophet, peace be upon him. Ameen. May our hearts remain close and unified. Ameen.

Zara S

(Guest Contributor)

Aug 2015

Zara S is a mother, a freelance writer and photographer, and a full time teaching assistant residing in London.

Visit her facebook page ZS Words & Pictures to view  more of her work.

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